ISAMTABLE, ISAMNAV, ISAMBROW and ISAMEXPT {Copyright 1995 by Norbert Stellberg GmbH} Description: ISAMTABLE is a Delphi-Component, that can handle tables of TURBO POWER FILER just like normal IDAPI-Table-Objects. You don't need any IDAPI- or ODBC-drivers. Only if you want to export FILER-data to DBASE, you must include the IDAPI-DLLs. ISAMNAV is a Delphi-Component that can handle ISAMTABLE-Objects like the DBNAVIGATOR-Component does with IDAPI-Tables. You can skip forward and back, step to top of table or to its end, just like DBNAVIGATOR does with IDAPI- tables. ISAMBROW is a Delphi-Component, that can browse ISAMTABLE-Data like DBGRID does with IDAPI-Tables. It reads the data-fields automatically from the ISAMTABLE. A Setup-Dialog for the browser can change the browser-settings, such as fieldlength, field-order. You can also change fieldlengths (during runtime) by DRAG and DROP, like you know from DBGRIDs. ISAMEXPT (********** is the jewel of this software-package *************) It is an Delphi-Expert, that can automatically create a browser an an editor from each ISAMTABLE. You only must tell him the structure of the record, an Index-Descriptor an the file- and form-names. These units d o n o t replace the BDE-Units. They only make it easier to handle FILER-Tables, because the handling can now be compared with the handling of BDE-Tables. The ISAM*.DCU-Units can only handle tables of the FILER (TURBO POWER) and can transfer those tables do DBase-Format. For this transfer you already need the normal BDE-IDAPI-Units. NOT INCLUDED: the units of the FILER (Copyright TURBO POWER INC) are not included. You need these units, otherwise the programs, created by this expert, won't work. Please refer to TurboPower Software P.O. Box 49009 Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9009 INSTALLATION 1. Please copy the files of this package into the desired path, for example C:\DELPHI\ISAMEXPT 2. Start Delphi, choose the menue-option OPTIONS /INSTALL NEW COMPONENTS to add ISAMTABLE, ISAMNAV, ISAMBROW and ISAMEXPT into the COMPLIB.DCL of Delphi (ISAMTABLE, ISAMNAV und ISAMBROW are new Delphi-Components, ISAMEXPT is the expert} 3. to test it: Create a new project and then a new form. From the form- gallery you must choose the ISAMEXPT. PRICE: 25 US-Dollars for registering, source-code not included. For source-code please contact N.STELLBERG (adresses below). REGISTRATION - Compuserve: NORBERT STELLBERG, 100024,3227 - Internet : NORBERT STELLBERG, 100024,3227 @COMPUSERVE.COM - Post : Norbert Stellberg, Blindenaaf 36, 51491 Overath, Germany - Telephone : 0049 2206 6644 - Fax : 0049 2206 80805 TUTILITY.DLL: You must download this DLL from BORLAND DELPHI Forum, because the copyright of this DLL is not mine. NO WARRANTY: You use this software-package on your own risk. If you have problems, I would be happy to receive a mail of you. I will try to help you as fast as I can. Enjoy it.